The New Chicagoan

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A Note About the Name and Logo

Does this logo look familiar? It should — a similar version of it appears every day on page 1 of the Chicago Tribune. This isn’t the Tribune logo, but it is similar. I commissioned the artist — his name is Steven Nobel, and you should check out his work — who did the Tribune’s logo (and Lagunitas, and Sam Adams, and more), to do something similar but not the same.

The building on the far left is the Home Insurance Building, the first skyscraper in Chicago and by extension the first in the world. In the middle, of course, is the Sears Tower. On the far right is the under-construction Wanda Vista Tower which will be 93 stories, 101 floors, and 1,191 feet tall when it is completed in 2020. Together, these three buildings represent the past, present, and future of Chicago.

The New Chicagoan is a play on a magazine that was published in the 1920s and 1930s called The Chicagoan. The original Chicagoan ran for about a decade before it was put out of business by the Depression. It was modeled heavily on The New Yorker and was particularly known for its cover art. The New Chicagoan won’t be exactly that (at least not yet), but it will have a broad focus in terms of content — and maybe, eventually, a print edition.  

Enjoy the The New Chicagoan.